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4:39 p.m. - 2008-02-28
blessings. blessed. bless.
After my Psych review class, I'm walking back to my dorm...and this random, elderly Asian woman comes up to me and says "hi! hi!! hello!!" I was definitely taken aback, but thought maybe she wanted directions to a building on campus or something. Instead, when I turn to her she asks "Are you Indian?"..and I responded, "Yes", only then realizing, she didn't want directions then she's like "You're Christian.." I didn't know if she was ASKING me or telling me that I am, either way, I found it to be really odd, so I asked how she knew that I was a Christian, but instead of answering my question, she told me that I was one of the "blessed ones"...and went on her way, smiling and saying "bye"...

It put a smile on my face.

heck yeah, I'm blessed.


i treat people like CRAP sometimes
and like kings other times.
i am inconsistent and emotional.

Dear God,
You humbled yourself and came into the world
to become like me. to die. to be obedient.
teach me the same humility.
teach me to love in strength.
to be more like You daily.


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